

Pena Coin along with all magic tricks shipped USPS with tracking

Pena-Coin Magic Trick is in stock and ships same day order is placed


Gorilla Costume
Dollar to Matchbook
Fake Poop
Juggling Clubs
Elf Shoes
Elf Hat
Two Headed Quarter
Juggling Clubs
Juggling Balls
Pen Through Dollar
Remote Control Fart Machine 2
Double Color Changing Hanky
Mystic Smoke
Fake Dog Poop
Nickels To Dimes
Magic Coin Slide
Seven Eleven Dice
Magic Ball and Vase
Svengali Deck
Thumb Tip
Tapered Card Deck
Pen Through Dollar
Penny To Dime
Fan-Ta-Stik Hot Rod
Cups and Balls
Magic Light Bulb
Spiked Coin
My Favorite Rope Trick
Learn to Juggle DVD Video
3D Hologram Trick
Dlite Magic Trick
Hand Buzzer
Bill Snatcher
Stinky Cigarette Loads
Instant Worms
Chicken Costume
Gorilla Costume
Santa Claus Suit
Bunny Costume
Fake Cigarette
Fake Cigar

Pena-Coin Magic Trick
A quarter penetrates through a piece of rubber sealing the top of a glass


Pena-Coin Magic Trick
A quarter magically penetrates through a piece of rubber sealing the top of a glass. An empty glass is shown with an opaque sheet of rubber stretched over the top and fastened with a rubber band. On top of the glass, two coins rest. The spectator selects a coin and without any false moves, you push the coin through the rubber sheet. The spectator watches in disbelief as it penetrates the rubber and falls with a loud clink into the glass below! Immediately, you hand everything out for examination. There are no holes in the rubber and no gimmicks or extra coins. You are left clean as a whistle. Based upon a clever principle, you'll be able to perform this trick just minutes after reading the instructions. Pena-Coin comes with three re-usable rubber sheets. Use your own glass and rubber band. Pena-Coin works with any coins - US, UK, Canadian coins, etc.


 Pena-Coin Magic Trick
Magic Shop Price: $19.95
Our Price: $6.95


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Gorilla Costume

Dlite Magic Trick

Remote Control Fart Machine 2

Juggling Clubs

Magic Light Bulb

Mystic Smoke

Nickels To Dimes


Pen Through Dollar

Seven Eleven Dice

Thumb Tip

Two Headed Quarter

Double Color Changing Hanky

Santa Claus Suit

Magic Ball and Vase

Magic Coin Slide


Pena Coin ships same day ordered